Sunday 2 September 2007

me blabbing on........n on......n on!

2006 the summer:-

It was a bout 3weeks before i broke up for school for the summer, at this day at the time i didnt know would change my life.. this guy,, an amazing guy who i was with, told me he was moving to the other side of the world,, n i know some people may say ' oh yeah, like what spain' No i do not mean spain, cos i mean tht's nowhere really, i mean Papua New Guinea! i really do mean the other side of the world!
ever since he told me that day has never left me head, i mean so many other things he could have said! but u know its only for a year,, but ahhh it's such along time!
you see i'm only 16, and i love him alot! so i duno what to do!

I could wait it out for him to come home in the change his feels have not change (one im very willing to do) or try and get on with my life and just be good friends with him when he gets home! (im not so thrilled about this idea)
either one is going to hurt! (too much)
i really have tried to save up to visit him,, but my parents wont let me go that far for that amount of money for such little time! (aprox £1599 return ticket for 1 month)

Now over a year has passed n they still haven't left! i guess that it good,, but in an other way i want him to go so he can come home even quicker ( if that makes any sence),

When i first had the shock of it was really painful,, but now, im used to him being here even more, and i know im going to hurt again for the same reason i did a year ago!

i what him to know that when he told me he was leaving i made the chose to stay with him, cos he is really worth it!

he says things like 'you know what its ok if u meet someone else whilst im away'! it hurts me to even think about that, cos how can i think about being with someone else when im so head over heels with him!
he has been part of my life for such a long time and that it never going to leave me!
i what him to know! that i love him! his my best friend! and my guy!

i guess time can only tell and i do hope that absence makes the hear grow stronger!

personally i really do think he's worth the wait!